Sell or Trade-In Your Car With Ease at Texas Motorcars Today
We'll Buy It, Even If You Don't Buy One Of Ours!
We're always looking for the highest quality used cars, so if you've got one that you're looking to get rid of, let us know. We're especially interested in 4-wheel drive pickup trucks. The used truck market is highly competitive, and many times, we get our best vehicles from customers. Just let us know if you've got something you'd like to trade or just flat out sell...
We make the process simple and painless. Fill out this form and give us a few details about your truck. Our team will take a look at your info, decode your VIN and we'll contact you with an offer. Then, all you have to do is bring us your truck, and we'll pay you.
If you're looking to trade in, you use the same easy-to-use form. Our team will contact you and let you know your exact trade in offer, so you'll know what to expect before you even get here. That way, there aren't any surprises, and you won't have to sit around and wait for us to appraise your vehicle.
If you have any questions, please give us a call at 972-588-4878 and we'll be glad to answer them.